Education Experience

Double M.Sc. in Autonomous Systems
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | University of Trento
Stockholm, Sweden | Trento, Italy
Aug 2020 - Mar 2023

This is a two-year dual M.Sc. degree program in Engineering Automation and Robotics, combining Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

My studies focused on the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Robot Vision in Computer Science. In Electrical Engineering, I specialized in Automation, Control, Embedded Systems, and Communications.I also pursued Innovation and Entrepreneurship as a business minor.

I was a team member of the Driver-less KTH Formula team in the Perception department, where I worked with sensor fusion to detect and locate cones.

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Sept 2013 - May 2018

I completed a five-year B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on thermal science, fluid mechanics, manufacturing and controls, material science engineering, applied mechanics, productions and operations research.

I excelled in my studies and made it to the Dean's Honor List six times. I was also part of a team that represented the University of Manitoba in the Western Engineering Competition [WEC].